Thank you, thank you, thank you! This week I was declared TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year 2006! Oh yeah—so was Barry and our whole family. And so were you.
Personally, I think Time kinda chintzed this

Usually, I always looked forward to the announcement of who the Person of the Year will be..this year…YOU???

I understand how we have become more “globalized” with our web pages and blogs. How we’ve become much more voyeuristic because of such pages. We can see anything that occures and a camera is present. I personally LOVE these sites. They are voyeuristic, yet intriguing, funny, damn scary and a great way to keep in touch.
But doesn’t it seem just a little…unimaginative on Time magazines part? Do YOU really rate highter then such notables (for better or for worse…PofY doesn’t mean they were always one of the good guys) Annan, Rumsfield, Bush, al-Sadr, Amedinejad, Obama, that Hussan guy, one of the Clintons, or how ’bout the new Senate and Congress?
There really wasn’t anyone else out there more worthy or noteable then…YOU? I mean, I do like you and all but really…
So can I now claim I’m Times Person of the Year 2006 on my resume??